- chrisg008
South African landscaper and botanist Elsa Pooley is renowned for her indigenous gardens at Renishaw Hills on the KZN mid-South Coast. She shares suggestions for summer gardening:
*bulbs and corms such as the Paintbrush Lily and River Lily produce good colour and fragrance; buy the biggest plants possible as bulbs take a few years to mature to flowering stage;
*Watsonia, Falling Stars, Barbeton daisies and Namaqualand daisies are all good for colour, and the Carpet Geranium is a good edging plant;
*there are three species of bright yellow, flowering Euryops available on the South Coast. The flower size and foliage colour differ for each species and they flower for most of the summer;
*select plants for foliage as well as flowers, and increase the number of species planted to attract a greater variety of birds and insects;
*other plants to consider include the Pincushion flower, Nemesia hybrids and indigenous Salvias.
Located in Scottborough, Renishaw Hills is a quality coastal estate that forms part of the Renishaw Coastal Precinct, a mixed-use development including residential, retail, educational, healthcare and light industrial/commercial zones. It has nature trails and high-end facilities.